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The Opinion

According to Kimball Young an opinion is a belief somewhat stronger or more intense than a mere notion or impression but less strong than positive knowledge based on complete or adequate proof.Opinions is really a belief about some serious topic.

Opinion implies careful thought and consideration. It is founded on some kind of information or evidence. It is not necessary that opinion should always be correct.

According to John Dewey public opinion is judgement which is formed and entertained by those who constitute the public and is about public affairs. Morris Ginberg says by public opinion is meant the mass of ideas and judgements operative in a community which are more or less definitely formulated and have a certain stability and are felt by the people who entertain or hold them to be social in the sense that they are a result of many minds acting in common. James T Young writes public opinion is a social judgment of a self-conscious community on a question of general importance after rational public discussion.

Current Affairs Magazine