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Glocalization has emerged in the recent years in economic, sociological, and cultural theories in response to the proliferation of writings about globalization and its local implications. It is described as the relationship between global and local processes which are viewed as two sides to the same coin rather than being diametrically opposed. 

Glocalization represents the intersection of political economics and sociocultural concerns with its emphasis on the local and community impacts of global structures and processes. Ritzer (2004) defines glocalization as the integration of the global and the local resulting in unique outcomes in different geographic areas. Glocalization can represent the consequences of globalization, the creation of heterogeneous or hybridized cultures, communities, and identities.

Glocalization could be seen negatively. Bauman (1998) suggests that the term glocalization is best thought of a restratification of society based on the free mobility of some and place bound existence of others. Global economic and business developments are often deemed imperialistic even where they have a local orientation. 

According to Ritzer this dominance of capitalist nations and organizations might be termed grobalization rather than glocalization. He says that the key characteristics of glocalization are sensitivity to differences, the embracing of cosmopolitanism and respect for the autonomy and creativity of individuals and groups. Glocalization could be seen as a positive interpretation of the local impacts of globalization that is a process by which communities represent and assert their unique cultures globally through media.


Ritzer,G .( 2004) The Globalization of Nothing. Sage , London

Bauman,Z.( 1998) Globalization : The Human Consequences.Polity Press,Cambridge.


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