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Tribal Practices
- Joking relationships prevails in Matrilineal Hopi, Matrilineal Trobriand Islanders,Oraons and Baigas
- Group marriage prevail among Marquesans and Todas
- Couvade is practiced mainly in Khasi,Toda,Ho and Oraon
- Teknonymy in Khasis
- Ultimogeniture in Khasis
- Uxorilocal in Garos
- Matrilineal societies are present among Moplahs,Hopi,Nayars
- Polyandry practices tribes are -Todas,Ladaki Botas and Nayars
- Polygamy is found among Eskimo tribes,Crows of North America
- Levirate marriages are found in Ahirs in Haryana,Kodagus of Mysore and Jats and Gujars of UP