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Development and marginalization

The development process has failed to end the deprivation faced by the marginalized communities in most of the developing nations.Infact it has contributed to the social reproduction of marginalization. According to Human Development Report the marginalized people are emerged as victims of these processes of development.

In every society there are some sections of people who are deprived of socio-economic opportunities for their sustenance and are victims of social, cultural and political exclusion.

In India the marginalized communities are rural poor, scheduled tribes and castes, manual workers in unorganized sectors etc.The marginalized people have very little or no participation in the development process. The initiatives are channeled through pre-existing power structure.

Their conditions have remained unchanged over the centuries even after government initiatives implemented for their upward mobility. There has been serious thinking about the participation of marginalized communities in the process of development. Due to government failure of integrating them in the development process, an alternative has emerged in the form of civil society to evolve the strategy for empowerment of the marginalized people.

Current Affairs Magazine