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In the economic sphere mutual give and take of commodities is involved and in the non-economic sphere ceremonial exchange is defined. Ceremonial exchange appears to be one-sided since it involves gifting away of goods in return for symbolic items. The gifts given are generally not consumable but ritual items. The gifts given are generally not consumable but ritual items.
When there is ceremonial transfer of gifts it defines obligation to react positively in tune with customs prevalent. Gift giving ceremonies are common in many societies and are based on religious, political, ritual and kinship obligations. Ceremonial presentations are known among tribes in Samoa, Andaman Islands, Melanesia and others.
Kula ring involving ceremonial offering of shell ornaments in the Trobriand Islands is common feature. Once a party reaches an island for the purpose of trading a meeting is arranged for ceremonial presentation of ornaments. Each member of visiting group receives a shell ornament from the trading partner in the island.