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Points to Remember

  • A person referred to as the parent of his or her child indicates the practice of Teknonymy.
  • Rivers has given the explanation of kinship terms referring to social usages which are antecedent to their use.
  • The residence rule which gives choice to the newly -weds to live with the parents of either the groom or the bride is known as biolocal.
  • When both patrilineal and matrilineal rules apply jointly it is called double descent.
  • Rivers has defined the clan as an exogamous division of tribe.
  • Social recognition is important in determining consanguineous kinship.
  • In double descent system one inherits fathers' patrilineal relatives and mother's matrilineal relatives.
  • Maclver said that kinship creates society and society creates the state.
  • Weiser stressed that clan is usually associated with totemism.
  • Levi Strauss has regarded preferential mating as a device for strengthening group solidarity.
  • Westermarck has written the history of human marriage.
  • Westermarck has listed various causes of polygyny including variety of women.
  • Murdock has distinguished between the family of orientation and the family of procreation.
  • Morgan suggested historical evolution of the form of marriage and family.
  • Tribes such as Mundas and Nagas do not permit marriage between persons from the same village.
  • According to Westermarck marriage is itself rooted in the family rather than family in marriage.
  • According to D.N Majumdar the Hindu society presently recognizes only two forms of marriage the Brahma and Asura.
  • A Tarawad splits into smaller units called Tavazhis.
  • When one becomes the member of the consanguineal relatives of both father and mother, it is known as bilateral descent.
  • The rule of residence generally followed in India is patrilocal.
  • When not mutual, a joking relationship assumes the form of social control.
  • Where father's sister is given more respect than the mother the relationship is called amitate.
  • Neolocal rule of residence is generally followed in western countries.
  • People bond together in groups based on reproduction refers to kinship.
  • Experimental marriage is known as privileged relationship.
  • Marriage of one man with a woman and her several sisters are called sororal polygamy.
  • The marriage of a Hindu is illegal if his or her spouse is alive.This restriction is according to Hindu Marriage Act.
  • Marriage of a man of high caste with a woman of lower caste is called Anuloma marriage.
  • Levi Strauss believed that no society was perfectly unilineal.
  • Radcliff Brown introduced the term lineage group to designate the living members of a group.
  • Morgan believed the earliest form of kin group to be the clan.
  • Rivers has listed belief in common descent and possession of a common totem as characterizing a clan.
  • Murdock has called the clan a compromise kin group.
  • Radcliffe Brown defines sib as a consanguineous group not sharing a common residence.
  • Horton and Hunt described the marriage as the approved social pattern whereby two or more persons establish a family.
  • A nomenclature of the family function is symbolic of system to reckoning descent.
Current Affairs Magazine