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Annual Report on Registration of Deaths and Births in Delhi 2015

According to Delhi's annual report on registration of deaths and births more girls were born in Delhi in 2015 as compared to 2014.In 2015 ,Delhi's sex ratio at birth increased by two points from 896 to 898.In 2015 83 more children below the age of one died in Delhi.There were 8695 infant deaths in 2015 as compared to 8612 in 2014 taking the infant mortality rate up from 21.66 to 23.25.Infant mortality rate is the number of deaths of infants under one year old per 1000 live births.6.98% of the total 1,24,516 deaths were that of young children below the age of 1.The report shows hypertension killed 6200 people in Delhi in 2015 -4.98% of all deaths reported.Blood infection or septicaemia is the largest killer with 8.31%. The report says the average number of births per day in Delhi was 1,025 and the average number of deaths per day was 314 making the net natural increase in population 684 per day.The data showed that  a total of 3,74,012 births were registered  with the corporation in 2015 an increase of 319 registered birth from 2014.However the birth rate - number of live births per 1000 population reduced from 20.9 in 2014 to 20.5 in 2015.Institutional deliveries  or births in hospitals increased from 81.75% in 2013 to 82.83% in 2014 and then 84.41% in 2015.Of the 3.16 lakhs institutional births, about 2.12 lakhs ( 67.2%) births occured  in government hospital in 2015.

Current Affairs Magazine